bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
This book explores all the major aspects of managing external relations in schools of all phases, as well as in colleges.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
They also explain why these ways of working are successful. This book is essential reading for headteachers, teachers, students of educational leadership and management, school governors, and those who work in local authorities.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
This is a very readable, stimulating and valuable publication′ - Mentoring & Tutoring This book explores all the major aspects of managing external relations in schools of all phases, as well as in colleges.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
Numerous activities are also included, designed to facilitate staff discussion of strategic analysis and strategic choice This book is essential for head teachers, deputy heads, and local authority professionals.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
Whatever their motivation, this collection should serve as an investigation on how the informal teaching moments are a leader’s and mentor’s greatest tool.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
Written at a very accessible and practical level, this book introduces strategic management and provides self-development activities to help educators develop a strategy within their own organizations.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
Numerous activities are also included, designed to facilitate staff discussion of strategic analysis and strategic choice This book is essential for head teachers, deputy heads, and local authority professionals.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
`Each chapter in the book is firmly rooted in research and is well referenced as one would expect of such a book.
bibliogroup:"Educational management" fra
The book explores the impact, economically and politically, of the dramatic reorientation of Britain's trade towards Europe in the post-war period and debates its importance for future trade relations.