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inauthor: American Library Association from
This new second edition brings an already stellar text fully up to date, presenting top-to-bottom coverage of the impact of new technologies and developments on the discipline, including discussion of e-books, open access, globalization, ...
inauthor: American Library Association from
From there the book covers a year in the life of her clan, revealing the personalities and events that Mora herself so desperately yearns to know and understand.
inauthor: American Library Association from
Additions and Changes, 1949-1958 American Library Association. Division of Cataloging and Classification. F3 ( b ) .1 ( b ) 12 ( b ) 16 Appendix III . Rules of Style for Headings Substitute the following : ( b ) Brackets are used in author ...
inauthor: American Library Association from
... in author entries only in case of anonymous publica- tion . ( Cf. 32. ) No distinction is made between personal and corporate author- ship . A title added entry is made for each work with a bracketed heading unless the title begins with ...
inauthor: American Library Association from
An inspiring memoir by two lively, keen-witted African American senior citizens. In their 200+ combined years, Sadie and Bessie Delany have seen it all.
inauthor: American Library Association from
American Library Association. Books printed in Ireland , ( 2 ) Books writ ... library catalogs which we have , the " British Museum Catalogue " of ... in author headings , neither is full collation given , but the grouping of ...
inauthor: American Library Association from
... libraries about to compile a dictionary catalog while using the A. L. A. collection as a basis . Rules . In the compilation , the A. L. A. rules - Advance edition , 1902 , has been followed in author and title entries . For subject ...
inauthor: American Library Association from
This first biography of a Palestinian writer also provides a moving account of the ways “ordinary” individuals are swept up by the floodtides of both war and peace Beautifully written, and composed with a novelist’s eye for detail, ...
inauthor: American Library Association from
It is the only book to draw on Michener’s complete papers as well as interviews with his friends and associates. The result conveys much about Michener never before revealed in print.