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Prof. Judith Gonyea Honored with Prestigious Barbara J. Berkman Award
Boston University
Prof. Judith Gonyea from BU School of Social Work (BUSSW) has received the Barbara J. Berkman Award for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research, Practice, or...
For 1 måned siden
The Ingredients of Unequal Aging: Housing, Income, and Health | The Brink
Boston University
“More generations are alive together than ever before,” says Judith Gonyea, a Boston University School of Social Work professor of social...
For 10 måneder siden
GBH: Boston Public Radio features Prof. Judith Gonyea on Homelessness Among Older Women
Boston University
Following up on a segment on the GBH news series, “Priced Out: The Fight for Housing in Massachusetts,” Boston Public Radio hosts Jim...
For 23 måneder siden
BU IHSIP: MSW Student Taylor Wensley’s Blog Highlights How Telehealth May be Missing Older Populations
Boston University
During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth services were one of many health care solutions that didn't put patients at risk of virus exposure.
For 37 måneder siden
Prof. Melvin Delgado Retires from BUSSW, Named Professor Emeritus
Boston University
Prolific social work researcher and author Melvin Delgado will retire from his role as professor at Boston University School of Social Work (BUSSW) this June.
For 20 måneder siden
Remembering Prof. Emeritus Rob Hudson, Pioneer in Social Policy & Aging
Boston University
BU School of Social Work (BUSSW) is sad to announce that beloved emeritus faculty member Rob Hudson passed away on August 30th after a...
For 16 måneder siden
What happens when you lose your home at 72?
72-year-old Judith bought a cup of coffee at a drive-thru and continued across the street to St. Mary's Cemetery. She pulled up her Volvo SUV near a water...
For 24 måneder siden
BUSSW Faculty, Students & Alums Share Expertise at 2023 SSWR Conference | School of Social Work
Boston University
BUSSW faculty, students and alumni will showcase a broad variety of research and perspectives on Jan. 11-15, 2023, at the annual conference for the Society for...
For 24 måneder siden
Edward Fisher Obituary (2017) - Westfield, MA
The Republican Obituaries
Edward E. Fisher, 89, passed away on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at the Governor's Center, Westfield. He was born in Kramniek, Poland to the...
For 89 måneder siden
Alexandra Curley, Judith Gonyea, Colette Ngana, Alyssa Nickell
Judith G. Gonyea is a professor in the School of Social Work and a faculty affiliate of the Center for Innovation in Social Science at Boston University.
For 11 måneder siden