William Cobbett (9 March 1763 – 18 June 1835) was an English pamphleteer, journalist, politician, and farmer born in Farnham, Surrey.
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William Cobbett was an English popular journalist who played an important political role as a champion of traditional rural England against the changes ...
William Cobbett (1763-1835) was an idiosyncratic English Radical who had a large influence on ordinary working people with his many pamphlets and cheap copies.
William Cobbett (9 March 1763 – 18 June 1835) was an English pamphleteer, farmer, journalist and member of parliament born in Farnham, Surrey.
William Cobbett (1763-1835), alias Peter Porcupine, engaged in a war of words, fueled by pro-British, anti-French, partisan messages to voters.
William Cobbett

William Cobbett

Former Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
William Cobbett was an English pamphleteer, journalist, politician, and farmer born in Farnham, Surrey. He was one of an agrarian faction seeking to reform Parliament, abolish "rotten boroughs", restrain foreign activity, and raise wages, with the... Wikipedia
Born: March 9, 1763, Farnham, United Kingdom
Died: June 18, 1835 (age 72 years), Surrey, United Kingdom
Previous office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom (1832–1835)
Nationality: English
Education: Gray's Inn

William Cobbett, (born March 9, 1763, Farnham, Surrey, Eng.—died June 18, 1835, London), English journalist. He joined the army and served in Canada (1785–91) ...
William Cobbett (1763-1835) was a radical journalist, farmer and Member of Parliament. Born into a farming family at Farnham in Surrey.
We offer a wide curriculum and a range of learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. We want children to enjoy coming to school.
William Cobbett (9 March 1763 – 18 June 1835) was an English politician, agriculturist, journalist and pamphleteer, writing first in the Tory and then in the ...
“To live well, to enjoy all things that make life pleasant, is the right of every man who constantly uses his strength judiciously and lawfully.”