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inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... Thomas Carly In, author of Sarton KesnrtlM, &c: the lile and land of Burin, by Allan Cunnizhain, vith contributions by Thomas Campbell, Ksq., to which is predial an Essay on tho genius and wr.tmgs of Burns, by Thomas Carlyle, Lsq. I he ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... Thomas Carly In, author of Sarton Resartus, & &c; the lite and laud of Burna, by Allan Cunuigham, ith contributions by Thomas Campbell ... Campbell's Gertrude, with a biogramical sketch of the author, by Washington Irving, and the ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... Thomas Carly In, author o!" Sarton Ketsurtus, fcc; fcc; fcc; ; thi! Site and land of Burns, by Allan Cunuisham, with with with th eontributious by Thomas Campbell, liaq., to which which which hich is prefixed an Essay on the genius und ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... Thomas Carly In, author of Sartoii Resnrtus, &c; the life and land of Burns, by Allan Cunnigham, with contributions by Thomas Campbell ... Campbell's Gertrude, with a biogra ihical sketch of the author, by Washington Irving, and the ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... Thomas Curly In, author of Surton Keaartus, &c ; trie lite and isnd of Burns, by Allan Cunnisrhurn, with contributiono by Thomas Campbell ... Campbell's Gar- trude, with a biogra >Iiical sketch of the author, by Washington trving, ind ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... Campbell inby corporation counsel Russell sMn 'Justjce Thomas Dohm structed city licence Inspector takn Baker Tuesday that some in action city council to be adjourned 'to Wednesday a Milt Harrell to suspend the hearing of an application ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... In, author of Sarton Kesnrtue, u e, &c ; the lite and land ol" Burns, bv Allan Cunnigham, m , with contributions by Thomas "Campbell ... Campbell's Gere rtrude, with n biographical sketch of the author, by Washington Irving, and the ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... in Author*, Helecled.) lly .1. Wlf.soV IIOV. 1- "Who gocth a-borrowlng Ciocth n ... Thomas Tu«s">r. John nryden J— -Thomas Soulherne. 4 — Caroline Norton. 5— John Bunyan. 6 — Alexander Pope. 7 — 1'. B. Shelley. 8— Thomas Campbell.
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
Council Fathers miss chance to raise their pay. By THOMAS W. CAMPBELL Tribune Staff Writer The Lewiston City Council ... inBy. crease. Bundy countered with a motion to pay the mayor $500 and councilmen $300. This died for lack of a ...
inauthor: Thomas Campbell from
... Thomas Campbell. )cvcd brother of James M. Campbell COHEV. — August 4, 1944. ai Lidcombe> Henry (Harry) Cohen, late ... inby son oi Mr. and Mrs J. McBurm-y MrLEOD.- AuKUSt 8 (suddenly). Hilda Clara beloved wife of the! 1at« Flnlav ...