This volume explores faith in the Book of Hebrews and posits that it is manifested in four dimensions: ethical, eschatological, Christological, and ecclesiological.
This kind of historiography is not biography. The historical study of the Jesus stories and the transmission of these stories through time have been of seminal importance to historians of religion.
In The Conflict Myth and the Biblical Tradition, Debra Scoggins Ballentine analyzes the ancient west Asian theme of divine combat between a victorious warrior deity and his enemy, typically the sea or a sea dragon.
With this volume, the series culminates with three prayer manuals encompassing the liturgical and calendar year with the offices for every day. "From the Hardcover edition.
These texts had been combined already in a Prophetic Record during the 9th c. B.C.E. (with A. F. Campbell), which was received as an integrated unit by the Deuteronomistic Historian.
This new edition has been much improved by a new typesetting of the New Testament (Volume IV), with larger print, the left marginal column containing a newly revised Literal Translation of the Bible (2000), and a right marginal column ...