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subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
This book argues that whatever one makes of such devotion to Jesus, the subject deserves serious historical consideration. Mapping out the lively current debate about Jesus, Hurtado explains the evidence, issues, and positions at stake.
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
Medieval Christian writers distorted the teachings of Islam and caricatured its believers in a variety of ways. This book provides a comprehensive study of Christian polemical responses to Islam in the Middle Ages.
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
Translation of Jawab al-sahih li-man baddal din al-masih [The correct answer to those who replaced the religion of Christ], a work whose length & scope have never been equalled in Muslim critiques of the Christian religion & whose depth of ...
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
It will give both Jews and Christians a deeper understanding of Judaism, both as a religion in itself and as a central component of salvation history. The book examines the unique and central role Judaism plays in the destiny of the world.
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
Coinciding with the 900th anniversary of the Crusades, this book is the first general introduction to some of the wider aspects of the history of the Crusades.
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
This book forms a grand synthesis of Benamozegh's religious thought. It is at once a wide-ranging summa of scriptural, Talmudic, Midrashic, and kabbalistic ideas, and an intensely personal account of Jewish identity.
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
In this revisionist work, Segal maintains that Paul's life can be better understood by taking his Jewishness seriously, and that Jewish history can be greatly illuminated by examining Paul's writings". . . . a blockbuster of a book about ...
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
This book considers the early history of Jewish-Christian relations focussing on the fallen angels.
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
This revised edition contains more resources and updated information throughout. "This book is a must for everyone concerned about defending the Christian faith.
subject:"Christianity and other religions" from
Fabre-Vassas details the folkloric beliefs and rituals that have been associated with the slaughter and consumption of pigs from the Middle Ages until today by both provincial and urban Europeans - such as the myth that Jews do not eat pork ...