Through four experiments on both production and perception of both melodic and temporal detail in Neapolitan Italian, we show that prosodic detail is not incompatible with abstractionist approaches either.
O bilinguismo e a aquisição de uma L2 são o tema de dois capítulos independentes. Finalmente, relaciona-se o desenvolvimento do conhecimento implícito com o do conhecimento metalinguístico e com a aprendizagem da escrita.\\
Die Studie ist in dem bisher nur begrenzt fruchtbar gemachten Überlappungsbereich von Gesprächslinguistik und Areallinguistik angesiedelt und zielt auf die Etablierung eines alternativen Zugangs zu sprachlicher Variation ab, der dem ...
The present book provides the first large-scale empirical study on the gemination with the five English affixes un-, locative in-, negative in-, dis- and -ly.
Since I feel that this book still has some use, I have taken many great works from many experts in (English) Phonetics and Phonology, and hope that it will be useful to students in getting to grips with all matters in English Phonetics and ...
Descriptions are presented for a general linguistics audience and without attempting to support a specific theoretical approach, but this book should be equally useful for scholars of Uralic linguistics, typologists, and even learners of ...