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subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
This volume presents 22 studies on aspects of rhetorical culture from Late Antiquity to the last years of the Byzantine Empire.
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
"A first-rate contribution to universal knowledge. This book is destined to remain a classic of the new semiotic critical approach of authors.
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
«من هنا نستطيع التعرُّف إلى الفَرْق بين الناقد الأدبي والاختصاصي النفسي من حيث نظرتهما إلى الظاهرة الأدبية بشكل عام، والشِّعرِ على ...
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
In questo numero monografico di Filoloski pregled ci si propone di indagare la presenza e la metaforologia dell’insetto nella cultura e letteratura italiana anche in prospettiva comparatistica, prendendo in considerazione le seguenti ...
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
The present volume is the product of two workshops held in 2019 and 2021 as part of the research focus Textual Practices in the Pre-Modern World: Texts and Ideas between Aksum, Constantinople, and Baghdad, which was generously supported and ...
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
«وكلما ازدادت قراءةُ المرء لمسرحيات شيكسبير وازداد تأمُّله لها، ازداد إدراكُه أن الموقف الدقيق الذي يتَّخذه إزاءها موقفُ الرهبة. ...
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
Zugleich spielt das Stück auf seine dunkle „Komödie" Eine Unbekannte aus der Seine (1933) und deren Entstehungsgeschichte an. Der Band lässt den Entstehungsprozess der beiden Stücke nachvollziehen.
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
In this volume, Paul A. Bové, the current editor of boundary 2, has gathered many of those foundational essays and, as such, has assembled a basic text in the history of postmodernism.
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
This first English-language monograph on the Kalevipoeg sheds light on various aspects of the emergence, creation and reception of the text.
subject:"Literary Criticism / General" from
This collection – to be issued in three volumes – offers an unprecedented repertoire of vertical readings for the whole poem.