Kevin Card. Farrell Prefeito do Dicastério para os Leigos, a Família e a Vida O Rosário pela Família foi criado pela Rede Mundial de Oração do Papa e pelo Dicastério para os Leigos, Família e Vida.
A Commentary on the Book of Revelation - Volume 2 The author presents a detailed study of the Book of Revelation emphasizing prophetic themes from the rest of the Bible which find their fulfillment in Revelation.
Our team is delighted with this partnership in order to help families to pray and to pray as a family. The Rosary is available for Amazon Kindle and in the Google Play Books store.
This is what I want to awaken us to, so that we can expect to receive divine favor from God. Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30).
«Señor, enséñanos a orar». ¿Cómo acercarnos al corazón del Señor? El Rosario Contemplativo tiene como objetivo proveer un tiempo de oración con aquella que mejor conoce el corazón de Jesús: María.
With a scholar’s care for the text of Scripture, he expounds both the devotional richness and the practical nature of the lessons. He shows that to understand Christ’s teaching on holiness is to know his power to change lives.
This classic series combines the author's translation of Scripture with a complete Bible commentary, arranged according to the numeric patterns found in God's Word.