Mengapa hewan memiliki ekor? Apa beda buah dan sayuran? Fosil dinosaurus bagian manakah yang paling awal ditemukan? Mengapa 1 tahun terdiri atas 365 hari? Kenapa Bumi mengitari Matahari? Tahukah kalian jawaban dari pertanyaan itu?
This work, the most comprehensive and detailed study of vertebrate coloniality to date, will be of interest to all who study social animals, including behavioral ecologists, population biologists, ornithologists, and parasitologists.
La química orgánica aplicada a nuestro diario vivir es por lo tanto, un libro especialmente elaborado para aquellas personas interesadas en la química: estudiantes de básica media, universitarios, profesionales afines a la química y en ...
Based on the author's decades of experience as a researcher and advisor, this third edition provides detailed guidance on writing and presentations and a comprehensive introduction to research methods, the how-to of being a successful ...
The articles in this book represent the major contributions at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop that was held from 6 to 9 July 1987 in the magnificent setting of Dyffryn House and Gardens, in St. Nicholas, just outside Cardiff, Wales.
This book will appeal to the novice, final year undergraduates and graduate students, hydrological researchers and consultants, and environmental agencies.
An authoritative overview of the concepts and applications of biological demography This book provides a comprehensive introduction to biodemography, an exciting interdisciplinary field that unites the natural science of biology with the ...
In this updated edition of Lakoff and Johnson's influential book, the authors supply an afterword surveying how their theory of metaphor has developed within the cognitive sciences to become central to the contemporary understanding of how ...