While acknowledging the need to challenge the complacency of those who think a just society has been fully achieved, Pluckrose and Lindsay break down how often-radical activist scholarship does far more harm than good, not least to those ...
Because of that, this book will change the conversation about the existence of God. The central theme of this book, though, points out that even if there were a God, we have no reason to believe He does anything at all in this world.
" In this book, The Queering of the American Child, Logan Lancing and James Lindsay explain what Queer Theory is, where it comes from, how it got into schools, and what it's doing to children nationwide.
Life in Light of Death offers a short exploration of the sweetness and opportunity available to those who understand and embrace this fact. By looking at life as reflected by death, we can see what really matters and how best to live.
This book is the manual everyone needs to foster a climate of civility, connection, and empathy. "This is a self-help book on how to argue effectively, conciliate, and gently persuade.