inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
" If you are eager to think about your faith, to examine what and why you believe and to reflect on how such faith can be lived out in our world, Invitation to Theology is the book for you.
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
Written in a comfortable, personal style, Jinkins's Letters to New Pastors is ideal not only for new pastors but also for anyone seeking to better understand the challenges facing those in ministry today.
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
In this manual for living the Christian life, the author explores the so-called Big Questions that challenge people of all ages: What is it to be human?
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
Sessions: Word of God, Words of Prayer The Prayer Book of God’s People Praying the Psalms The Language of the Heart A Geography of the Imagination A Theology of the Imagination Lament and Praise Grace and Repentance Love and Wrath ...
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
This book explores the social, political and religious differences among Christians and asks the question: can Christians be pluralists?
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
In this work, Jinkins challenges the church to rediscover its vocation, to follow Jesus Christ even at the risk of its institutional survival.
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
Theologian and author Michael Jinkins probes the present state and future of the Reformed faith.
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
In the House of the Lord: Inhabiting the Psalms of Lament, Michael Jinkins invites us to discover the answer to this question by entering into that world where lamentation is turned into praise.0
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
This volume presents a selection of Campbell's spiritual reflections, drawn particularly from his sermons--writings which have been accessible only to scholars for more than a century. --
inauthor:"Michael Jinkins" from
This title takes an ecumenical look at the role of leadership in Christian ministry.