inauthor:"Omar Mahmoud" from
The Almighty Allah says: ".Nothing have we omitted from the Book". (Q.6:38) The message given to the holy prophet Muhammad (PBH) by the Almighty Allah for mankind thus contains a complete code which provides for all areas of life, whether ...
inauthor:"Omar Mahmoud" from
Forgetfulness is one of the Maladies of Lucifer.
inauthor:"Omar Mahmoud" from
N the U.S, Wyoming is characterized like other western states by the diverse and expansive geography. However, most of Wyoming's roads are considered as Low-Volume Roads (LRVs) due to the low volume of daily traffic.
inauthor:"Omar Mahmoud" from
It draws the latest thinking in behavioural economics,neuroscience and evolutional psychology to give apowerful practical toolkit for fundraisers, campaigners, advocacyspecialists...
inauthor:"Omar Mahmoud" from
Migration contributes to the circulation of goods, knowledge, and ideas.