subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
This book challenges media-celebrated evolutionary studies linking Indo-European languages to Neolithic Anatolia, instead defending traditional practices in historical linguistics.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
The text begins with an introduction to the concept of the Indo-European language family, the history of its discovery, and the techniques of analysis.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
The first comparative grammar of the Semitic languages, by H. Zimmern, was published a hundred years ago and the last original work of this kind was issued in Russian in 1972 by B.M. Grande.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
In The Origins of English Words, Shipley catalogues these proposed roots and follows the often devious, always fascinating, process by which some of their offshoots have grown.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
The scripts are explained in an appendix at the end of the book.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
Available again, this book discusses nine Romance languages in context of their common Latin origins and then in individual studies.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
This collection of essays and reviews represents the most significant and comprehensive writing on Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
In this new edition, every single entry has been reviewed and updated with reference to new developments and publications.
subject:"Foreign Language Study / Miscellaneous" from
This well-illustrated volume provides the best collection of Etruscan inscriptions and texts currently in print.