subject:"Homeopathy" from
In this groundbreaking analysis, more than 30 of the most popular alternative healing treatments--acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, chiropractic, and herbal medicines--are examined for their benefits and potential dangers. ...
subject:"Homeopathy" from
This book deals with ringworm, a parasitic condition which inspires much disgust. The book is rich in cases and therapeutics for the condition.
subject:"Homeopathy" from
This two-volume publication sets out information on traditional, complementary and alternative medicines, revealing people's belief in and dependence on different traditional health systems around the world.
subject:"Homeopathy" from
This book explains the process of homeopathic treatment from the patient's point of view.
subject:"Homeopathy" from
The Life-Work Of The Student Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica Os One Of Constant Comparison And Differentiation.