With life lessons she’s learned and new insights from the story of Eve, Sarah Jakes Roberts shows you how past disappointments, struggles, and even mistakes can be used today to help you become the woman God intended.
Addressing difficult issues with compassionate insight, this book discusses: Abandonment and broken relationships Trauma and sexual abuse The sex industry and pornography Violence against women Learning to love and care for yourself Healthy ...
This groundbreaking book, now updated and expanded, furthers its original, effective, time-saving approach that benefits pastors overtaxed by counseling demands.
To those who despair over the spiritual poverty of contemporary Christianity, this book offers quiet but bold assurance that God can work as powerfully in our time as he did in his.
Following the standard progression of introductory study, the chapters of this book identify and discuss issues in tension between faith and psychology.
This book is ideal as a textbook for students of psychology and other behavioral and social sciences (social work, sociology, theology, counseling, pastoral counseling) at both the graduate and undergraduate level.
If he ever was a ragamuffin, truly it is now. In this his final book, Brennan roves back his past, honoring the lives of the people closest to him, family and friends who’ve known the saint and the sinner, the boy and the man.